Thursday, October 07, 2010

Unexpected Detour part 2

Friday a week after the surgery was the first time I actually got out. In the morning some of the ladies got together to cook, and I went along to sit and do nothing while they cooked. It's kinda funny, but doing nothing so exhausted me that I went home and slept for a couple of hours before Rebecca came and picked me up to go to the volleyball game. The kids saw me walking up, so when I got to the gate there were 10 or more of them waiting for hugs. They were so cute-"Teacher, did it hurt?" "Teacher, what happened?" "Teacher we prayed for you EVERY day!" "Teacher, did you get the gift cards? We made some for you." My team was especially glad to see me-so far I had missed a practice and a game for which they had had two different coaches (who are excellent, by the way, but hadn't been with the girls, so didn't really know them). Thankfully I had Abel there to help me out warming them up, and hollering instructions-it gets so loud they can't hear unless you scream, and I could barely speak at regular volume. They lost, but I can see improvement, and I'm really looking forward to seeing how they progress throughout the year. I have a small team (both in amount and height) but a really sweet group of girls-I love them! After sitting practically the whole time and doing nothing, I was again extremely exhausted, but opted to go to Rebecca's for a movie night instead of being bored by myself at home. I'm glad I was able to go.

On Sunday morning Wendy came to pick me up, and on my way down the driveway I slipped and fell because of the rain. Thankfully nothing surgery related was hurt, but I did have to go back inside to repair my outfit and clean a scrape on my foot. So I got to church 10 min late, and thankfully Pastor didn't comment when I came in. I didn't end up playing for choir or special music-my getting there late prevented that. Sunday afternoon I went to Rebecca's for lunch, then a nice afternoon nap before evening service, when I did play for choir. The rest of this week I have basically been killing time-lots of internet, and watching cable. Tuesday night I went to practice (where again I had an assistant-I tossed no balls, chased no balls) and had students ask me, "Teacher, where did they cut you?" and "Can we see?" I really do enjoy these girls. We had a good practice, then I went to see the softball games, and after that went with Shelly and Rebecca to get some milk and water. I ended up finding some good things on clearance too. I wouldn't recommend this as a diet plan, but I'm hoping this forced healthy eating habit will be a good jumpstart for me.

This morning I went to see the surgeon-getting there was an adventure in itself, but again, we weren't there but maybe and hour and a half, or 2 hours-which is another blessing. The doctor told me he would prefer no driving for 60-90 days (!) but he knew that was impossible so we'd try for 4-6 weeks. The goal is to avoid hernia-apparently he had to open a little more than normal, so the hernia risk is higher. If I had to brake hard, which is quite a common occurence here, it could cause some damage. He said he'd operate again, which would be good for him, but not so much for me. Also, no lifting over 5 pounds. Resting I don't think I'll have a problem with-I think the exhaustion will require it, but the driving and lifting are going to be the hard parts. I am SO thankful that I am living close where it is not too much of a hardship for people to take me places-I live about a mile from school. Tomorrow I'm heading to school to teach piano lessons at least. Hopefully I'll be able to come home in between and get some rest.

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