Friday, October 24, 2008

Jumbled Thoughts

We're very busy here getting ready for the FBF conference on Sunday, as well as beginning rehearsals for Christmas program songs. Because of that, I haven't had much time to sit and blog. So, here, in no particular order, are several thoughts and "stories" that have ben stewing in my head for the past couple of weeks.

1. This week in our Wednesday night service, we had a couple walk in that I recognized. They have a open air restaurant just off the beach in Pinones, and when visitors come, we take them there for pinchos and pina coladas. This couple has 3 girls in the school, so I wasn't too surprised to see them, but when Pastor got up, he gave some encouraging news. He told us that this couple got saved on Monday night in visitation. It was so exciting to hear that! Sometimes it would be easy to get discouraged with making visits, and making visits and making visits and not seeing fruit, but this was another encouragement to keep going. The couple's oldest daughter is a junior in high school, and has been in the school for 8 years. That means that this couple has had teachers in their home for visitation for 8 years, and in the most recent years up to 3 times in a year (because of the three daughters), and now they have finally been saved. A good encouragement not to give up-you never know when God is going to work in people's heart to open them to the truth. It may take years!

Obviously I never got past one thought, and this is 5 months later-this couple is still faithfully attending Wednesday night services.

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