Friday, December 08, 2006


(the title's for you, Dawn)
Spelling was always something interesting for me in school, and I find it even more so now that I am teaching in an ESL school. I'd like to share with you the text of a birthday card I received from Ezequiel:

Dear Miss Nething,
I hope that have a good day in your work and have a happy Bierthday and what shout for the revench of Miss Griffin. Piece.

I enjoyed immensely the reading of that card. He is speaking of the 79 water cups trick that I wrote about in my last post. After the cups, with a little help, of course, found their way back to the offender's (Ezequiel's teacher) desk she informed me that this meant war, to which I said, "That's ok, my room has a lock and yours doesn't!" =)
The fifth grade class was greatly entertained by all the proceedings of the day.

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