Friday, December 01, 2006

My birthday

Well, so far today I've been serenaded at least 3 times, and found 79 cups of water arranged in a grid spaced about 2 inches apart on the floor in my office, making it impossible to get very far past the door. Wish my digital camera was working so I could post pictures. Oh well, when I get my film developed, we'll see how those came out.

A couple of student quotes:

During chapel, Mr Daniels asked the kids if anyone knew what a veteran is. A third grader raised his hand and said "A veteran is someone who doesn't eat meat!"

Yesterday we were singing a Christmas carol from the Huron indians in Canada. We discussed how they talked about hunters instead of the usual shepherds because they were hunters and trappers and had no word for shepherd in their language. We began discussing what it meant that they were hunters, and Christopher raised his hand to say, "Teacher, they must be carnivals!" I told him he probably meant carnivores, and he said, "Yeah, carnivores. Teacher, what's a carnivore?"

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