Thursday, September 29, 2005

Lizards and more

I never guessed it could be so hard to say the pledge of allegiance to the American flag.
This morning, it was. In chapel, I sit at the piano during the pledges, so I can be ready to play "My Country Tis of Thee" when they're done. The flags are sitting in the corner right next to me, and they're very close. This morning when I turned to face the American flag, a cute little lizard was looking out at me from one of the stars! I wasn't expecting it when I turned around, and I really wanted to laugh. It didn't help when halfway through the pledge it started moving its head back and forth, about the same time that a lizard crawled up the wall right outside the window. It's probably a really good thing all those kindergarteners couldn't see it, although I was enjoying it.
The mall this weekend was nice. There ended up only being three of us, but we really enjoyed ourselves. We left school at 10 and got back home around 7. We definitely got in our exercise for the day.
This weekend we're going to the beach, possibly shopping in old San Juan, and maybe even one of the forts. If we go to a fort it will be the one where there are tons of people flying kites on the "lawn" for lack of a better word. This time, I will use better sunscreen at the beach. Last time, I couldn't comfortably put on a seat belt for a week. That doesn't mean I didn't, Mom. =) Around here, no seatbelt is one of the very few things they will pull you over for. I guess they figure if you have a seatbelt on, you have a better chance of surviving any idiotic thing you do on the roads. And believe me, many idiotic things are done on the roads. Which reminds me, another item on the agenda for who knows when is learning to drive Priscilla's car-a manual transmission. Fun stuff, right? She's going home for a week during Thanksgiving to see her mom, who has cancer. So I'll be at home in the apartment for a week with the dear sweet cat, and the crazy car. Somehow I have to get to school, which is only one of the reasons I need to learn to drive that car.

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