Monday, April 12, 2010

Well, I got everything moved and I'm loving it! The new place is bigger, cheaper, and closer-although that didn't satisfy one of my helpers. He's 6 yrs old, and as we're carrying boxes out of the old house, he asked, "WHY are you moving?" I answered, and asked if that was ok with him, and he answered, "NO!" Anyway, moving day was almost fun-I had 6 people helping me, all very good friends (and 3 under the age of 13), so we did have some good times, and got it all done in about 3 and a half hours. Ok, at least moved, that doesn't count any unpacking. The most fun was going out to eat afterwards, and shopping. Maybe I'll be able to post pictures soon-my next door neighbor offered use of his wireless internet......
And on a side note, I love how I have been able to make friends from many different countries and cultures-on Friday, I was riding to a bridal shower with friends, and we noticed that not only were the 4 of us from different countries, we were from 4 different continents! One from England, one from Zimbabwe, one from Bolivia, and me from the US. It's so neat to see the bond we can have as sisters in Christ coming from such different places!

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