Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Not much time today, but I wanted to post a couple of interesting thoughts.

I was having a discussion with my Music Appreciation students the other day. We have been studying various musical forms, and how they have changed through various musical eras. My students asked me which was the best, and I began to talk about the benefits and differences of each era. I told them that I can't relax and listen to Bach-doesn't mean I don't appreciate him, I really do, but when I listen I always find myself thinking about the counterpoint, how it's working, how he's using his ideas forward, backward, upside down, inside out, etc. To which one of my students replied, "Oh, so it's a lot like reggaeton!" I had to laugh. =)

The other day, I was waiting in line in Walgreens, and as I have a habit of doing when waiting in line in drugstores, I picked up a random product and began to read the label. I've found some pretty interesting things doing this-for example, on a Rogaine for Men package-"Do not use if pregnant or nursing". The product that I picked upt this time happened to be a pretty intense antiaging/antiwrinkle substance, and among the various amounts and uses found this: "For children younger than 6 months consult a doctor before use."

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