Wednesday, February 27, 2008


We're furiously preparing for Field Day around here. I'm working the score table again, and it should be less stress this year since we should already have the ribbons ready. Since this is the third year I'm doing score, I've got my system pretty much worked out. We are doing it in a different place this year, so that should be interesting. I think I'm gonna miss it being within walking distance of the beach.

Once Field Day's done, I'll be concentrating on the spring program, for which we're using a program on the life of Fanny Crosby from a Soundforth book of junior programs.
And of course, a blog entry wouldn't be complete without a couple of student quotes.

In PE we've been learning to pass the baton correctly in preparation for the relay during Field Day. On Monday, I was asking my second graders why we were using a certain hand to hold it, and Sophia raised her hand and said, "So that we will fast-en up!"

I was talking with Luis after class today, and he was talking about how hard it was to keep from talking in class. I was joking with him, and said, "Yeah, life's rough, isn't it?" He said, "Well, not so much since we have the opportunity to be saved, but some other things are tough."

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