Friday, September 29, 2006

Busy weekend

Nothing much different has happened lately, although I have given an excessive amount of demerits in the past 2 days. Oh well, I think the point got across-I spent a good hour between yesterday and today dealing with 2 boys, and thankfully they realize the problem with what they did and are truly sorry, not just because of the demerits they received.
This weekend promises to be interesting. The plan, at least for right now, consists of going home, and going to bed early to recover some sleep. Tomorrow morning I'm going to a College/high school activity to play volleyball and help out because one of the youth sponsors is out of town. I'm looking forward to the chance to slam a few volleyballs over the net. Perfect stress reliever! I know I'll be sore later, though, because it's been too long since I've played much. I did play some I think it was 2 weeks ago when the highschool was playing volleyball in PE and I was able to join them. After the volleyball thing, the plan is to go to El Morro with Jonathan and Heather, and Janice. I've been before, but none of them have.
By the way, I welcome comments from anyone who reads this-if you don' t know how to comment, click on the link that says 0 comments (or 1 or 2 , etc) and there will be a place for you to add yours.

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