Monday, August 14, 2006

A new year

This will be a quick one. I taught my first class of the year today. This year's 5th grade class has such a different spirit from last years class. I think I'm really going to enjoy them. This morning I helped get children out of cars and enjoyed watching the traffic jam (I say enjoyed because I wasn't involved in the traffic) that the parents of the students created. I'm still amazed at how "easily" we get 600 students into the school in the mornings. The rest of today will be taken up trying to figure out my schedule. So far I have 35 piano students signed up, am in the classroom 7 hours a week, chapel 3 hours a week, with a possible 3 hours of PE, but we'll have to wait and see on the PE. I'm wondering how many different versions of the schedule I'll have to make before it finally works. That's all I have time for right now. Sometime soon I have to post pictures of my "new to me" car so my mom can see what it looks like.

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