Last night I went shopping. I know, I'm an idiot-going shopping the night before Valentine's Day. Here in Puerto Rico, the traffic and lines in the stores were as bad or worse than Christmas in the states. If this is Valentine's Day here, I don't think I want to see what Christmas is like. There was actually a good reason I went, and with the good deals I got, I'm glad I went. On Saturday when I was out shopping, I hadn't really thought about what I would do for Valentine's Day for my students, etc, so I didn't want to just randomly buy things. After all, Walmart had tons of valentines on Saturday, surely there would be some left on Monday. When I went on Monday, all they had left was Superman and Barbie. I was kinda disappointed, because I really didn't want to have to go out on Tuesday, but oh well. Last night, I went straight from school to the mall. I was looking for a few cards and some other things. As I passed Champs, I happened to see they were having a shoe sale, so I stopped in since the running shoes I've been wearing for the last 6 years are falling apart. I know, 6 years! Kinda depressing that they lasted that long-in highschool I ran so much I needed a new pair every year. I have been running and exercising more lately, so I've noticed the wear on my shoes much more. Anyway, as usual, there were hardly any shoes in my size, but I did find a few. Only problem was that most of the shoes were pink! I like pink ok for clothes, but for athletic shoes??? Nope! I happened to find a pair of Nike Shox for $20 in an acceptable color-white, silver and a mint green. They fit, so that was even better. I also found 2 hats on sale for $3-Texas Longhorns, and Braves. I was very excited about my first pair of Nikes, and I became even more excited when I looked at the receipt. The normal price for the shoes I got was $150, and I only paid $20! The feel of these shoes is incredible, too. After shopping and standing from about 5:00 to 9:30, I put the new shoes on at home while I hung my laundry, and let me tell you they felt good!! I also got a purse from the clearance rack because my purse was falling apart. So, in spite of the insanity of traffic, I'm glad I went. This morning I came in and found on my desk a couple of cards and some mini Snickers. Students and teachers have given me hazelnut chocolates, brownies, and chocolate dipped strawberries-those count as fruit, right??.
As for much more important news, on Monday night visitation, I was translating for one of the first grade teachers. As usual, when I know I'm going to be translating, I call mom and let her know so she can be praying. We talked to the mother for a while, and then Julie (the other teacher) asked if she could share the gospel. I was nervous and praying that the Lord would give me the right words to accurately convey what Julie was trying to say. God was good, and the mother prayed to trust Christ! It was really exciting to be able to help-you could see on her face that she understood about sin, the penalty and the payment, and that Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven. Praise the Lord! If you think about it pray for Brenda, she told us when we came in that she was a practicing catholic-Mass every Sunday, etc. Pray that the Lord will continue to work in her heart, that she would be able to grow, and that she would be able to come to church.
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