Thursday, October 07, 2010

Unexpected Detour part 2

Friday a week after the surgery was the first time I actually got out. In the morning some of the ladies got together to cook, and I went along to sit and do nothing while they cooked. It's kinda funny, but doing nothing so exhausted me that I went home and slept for a couple of hours before Rebecca came and picked me up to go to the volleyball game. The kids saw me walking up, so when I got to the gate there were 10 or more of them waiting for hugs. They were so cute-"Teacher, did it hurt?" "Teacher, what happened?" "Teacher we prayed for you EVERY day!" "Teacher, did you get the gift cards? We made some for you." My team was especially glad to see me-so far I had missed a practice and a game for which they had had two different coaches (who are excellent, by the way, but hadn't been with the girls, so didn't really know them). Thankfully I had Abel there to help me out warming them up, and hollering instructions-it gets so loud they can't hear unless you scream, and I could barely speak at regular volume. They lost, but I can see improvement, and I'm really looking forward to seeing how they progress throughout the year. I have a small team (both in amount and height) but a really sweet group of girls-I love them! After sitting practically the whole time and doing nothing, I was again extremely exhausted, but opted to go to Rebecca's for a movie night instead of being bored by myself at home. I'm glad I was able to go.

On Sunday morning Wendy came to pick me up, and on my way down the driveway I slipped and fell because of the rain. Thankfully nothing surgery related was hurt, but I did have to go back inside to repair my outfit and clean a scrape on my foot. So I got to church 10 min late, and thankfully Pastor didn't comment when I came in. I didn't end up playing for choir or special music-my getting there late prevented that. Sunday afternoon I went to Rebecca's for lunch, then a nice afternoon nap before evening service, when I did play for choir. The rest of this week I have basically been killing time-lots of internet, and watching cable. Tuesday night I went to practice (where again I had an assistant-I tossed no balls, chased no balls) and had students ask me, "Teacher, where did they cut you?" and "Can we see?" I really do enjoy these girls. We had a good practice, then I went to see the softball games, and after that went with Shelly and Rebecca to get some milk and water. I ended up finding some good things on clearance too. I wouldn't recommend this as a diet plan, but I'm hoping this forced healthy eating habit will be a good jumpstart for me.

This morning I went to see the surgeon-getting there was an adventure in itself, but again, we weren't there but maybe and hour and a half, or 2 hours-which is another blessing. The doctor told me he would prefer no driving for 60-90 days (!) but he knew that was impossible so we'd try for 4-6 weeks. The goal is to avoid hernia-apparently he had to open a little more than normal, so the hernia risk is higher. If I had to brake hard, which is quite a common occurence here, it could cause some damage. He said he'd operate again, which would be good for him, but not so much for me. Also, no lifting over 5 pounds. Resting I don't think I'll have a problem with-I think the exhaustion will require it, but the driving and lifting are going to be the hard parts. I am SO thankful that I am living close where it is not too much of a hardship for people to take me places-I live about a mile from school. Tomorrow I'm heading to school to teach piano lessons at least. Hopefully I'll be able to come home in between and get some rest.

Unexpected Detour

So it took an emergency surgery to finally induce me to write again-I make no promises about this becoming a habit (the writing, not the surgery) though I would like it to do so! On Wednesday night a couple of weeks ago, I started to feel some stomach pain, which I thought was just hunger magnified a bit since I didn't eat until after church because my car wasn't working and I couldn't go home. I figured out it wasn't hunger when I couldn't sleep all night from the pain, and in the morning I called Wendy and asked her if she could take me to the doctor. The miracle of this was that we were in and out of the doctor's office in less than an hour! Unheard of here in PR......The doctor diagnosed gastritis and gave me a prescription, but when I couldn't keep the meds down and the pain was getting worse, we decided to go to the emergency room.

Wendy dropped me off and went to park, and by the time she came in they had already called me back. Memories are a bit fuzzy here, but eventually Mrs. Santana came, and somewhere in here I got morphine for the pain, and eventually a sonogram. I had to wait 2 hrs for the results, and they told me I would have to have my gallbladder out the next day. So, I called mom and let her know (we had been communicating all day-she told me "If they have to operate, either you're coming here or I'm going there!). They took me to a room (or rather a curtained off section) and later that night Mom told me she was coming the next day. Mrs. Santana went home, and on Friday morning she made a trip to JCPenney to get pajamas for me and other necessities. She was and continues to be such a blessing to me!!! She got there around noon, and they had told me I'd go into surgery around 1 or 2, so we were making sure everything was ready. They took me back, I talked to the anesthesiologist, and then proceeded to sit there for 5 hours! Apparently at the time they were to take me back for surgery they had 3 emergencies come up (one including an emergency c-section). After about 3 hours, they finally gave me something for my headache, and let mom (who had just arrived) come back to see me. I don't think I have ever been so happy to see my mom! By 7 I was in surgery, and headed for recovery by 9. Mom said while I was in surgery, she and Pastor Daniels and Mrs Santana were all in the waiting room, and I think Mr Santana was there at some point too because he picked mom up from the airport (Mrs Santana was going to do it but she didnt' want to leave while I was in surgery which didn't end up being an issue) One blessing was that my nurse in the recovery area was the mother of a former student-a comfort to see a familiar face. Around 2 AM they woke mom up in the waiting area and told her I was being taken to a room. Saturday and Sunday blur together a bit, but I had around 20 people total come to visit. They were such a blessing to me! Some brought food and snacks for mom, some brought balloons and flowers for me, Mrs Rojas went to Borders and bought me books, and then brought me a cd player and music (as she put it, "Sarah Approved Music"), someone else brought me a cake (which was saved for later), Wendy brought me a balloon and a webkinz pet, and one of my sweet volleyball players picked out some socks for me in our team colors (I had complemented her on her very cool socks at our last practice). Then of course Mrs. Santana and the many times she traveled back and forth to the hospital and brought me things. Saturday night Mom went back to my apartment and straightened up-she did my laundry, washed my dishes and cleaned my house!!!!

Sunday morning she came back, and we listened to a sermon on my phone since we were missing church. I had several visitors in the afternoon, and after church, Dr Dudley came back up to the hospital and brought us pillows and blankets, another huge blessing!!

Monday morning I finally was able to go home-poor mom had to run all over the place dealing with discharge papers, and finding someone to translate for her. This was all definitely an adventure for her since she doesn't understand Spanish-when someone came in the room she would ask me later "what did they do and what did they say?" I was very thankful the Lord has allowed me to learn Spanish-it has never been more useful, I think.

When we got home, I was able to rest so much better in my own bed, and while I was asleep, Mrs. Santana came to take mom to Walgreens to get my prescriptions. During these 2 days, mom and I watched almost a full season of the Cosby show-so hard to watch that and not laugh!!! On Tuesday, Rebecca took mom shopping to get some good healthy food for me to eat. On Wednesday Mr Linnemeir brought my car back, and the bill said "Paid in full by friends". Mom had to leave Wednesday, and on Wednesday night Mrs Santana came to sit with me during church, and she brought food, read a devotional with me, and washed my dishes.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

So vacation is officially over. I can't believe how fast it went. Of course, I did pack 9 million things into it. Earlier this week I went to the beach with some friends-great fun! I did get slightly sunburned, but not too bad. You would find me at the beach more often if not for all that sand.
I did finally finish the blanket I was making for Carla

Here's an up close view:

As you can see here, it's longer than I am tall:

On a side note-it's a rather nice picture of me, don't you think??
The next order of business is to wash it and get it sent to Carla. Easier said than done. I think I'm going to temporarily stitch the sides together so I can wash it in the machine (can you imagine washing this thing by hand?) without getting the "waves" -don't laugh, that's what the pattern called them-stuck on something in the washer. Then to decide whether to lay it out to dry, or give it a go in the dryer. Decisions, decisions.
Yesterday I got the last of my "needs" for furniture-I have a platform for my bed and am no longer sleeping with my mattress on the floor. So far since I've moved I've obtained for little or nothing (mostly for nothing) a full mattress and bed platform, a extremely comfortable microfiber couch, a very nice bookshelf (a necessity considering my obsession with books), a refrigerator, a tv, a vcr, a dvd player, and a good solid kitchen table with 4 chairs. So I was going to post some pictures........
but unfortunately they're on my desktop which is currently incapacitated, and my surgical knowledge of computers has been exhausted. So you'll have to wait...until Christmas, when I hopefully can rescue my data with Dad's help, or until I actually remember to take my camera and walk around the place. Anyone's guess as to which one comes sooner.
Tonight was also fun getting a backpack-Staples had this deal that ended today, where if you get a backpack, you can get the entire purchase price refunded as a staples gift card-and I've needed a backpack for my laptop, since it's kindof annoying to be carrying 37 different bags through the airport as I did when I came down this time. I used to have a backpack, but it reeks of things associated with the beach. Not any of the good things, I assure you. I went to look online, but, and BIG SURPRISE here, they were out of stock of all their backpacks on the site. I almost gave up, but remembering that my mom taught me better than that, I called her. She happened to be in the vicinity of a Staples, and she went in and asked if she bought it, could I fill out the rebate-there's no Staples here in PR, and the rebate is one per person/household. They said that would be fine, so mom went to check out the backpacks. She would describe it to me, tell me the name, I would look it up online, then ask her and Anna what they thought. We talked about 4 or 5, and probably would have done more if it hadn't been 10 minutes til closing time at Staples. Finally we decided on one, and finally the deed was done. After she got home, we got on the phone again, and Dad filled the rebate form online with my address and everything. So, pretty soon I should be getting a Staples gift card in the amount of the backpack. Any suggestions as to how it should be spent? laptop accessories? school supplies? a computer desk? (scratch that one, I'd have to ship it) I guess I'll wait and see what things I'm really going to need this school year. Although, if they have my pentel RSVP razzle dazzle pens (medium point, black ink with colored barrels) I may just have to get a lifetime supply.

Friday, July 23, 2010

So I haven't been doing much these days, and it's been nice! I lost quite a bit of sleep the week before I came back to PR, and I think I've recovered mostly. I've been enjoying internet on the laptop, maybe a little too much. I've also been working on the blanket I'm making for Carla, and watching random tv shows. I also made my first venture into the world of warehouse shopping-if nothing else, the Sam's Club membership may pay for itself in cereal and cleaning supplies. A lot of bulk things I can't really use since I live by myself-duh! I think if I lived in the states I wouldn't even bother with a membership, but here it makes a difference.
Today I went out and got some tostones con ajo-fried plantain slices with garlic-which I seriously have been dreaming about since I left PR in June. They were sooooooo good! Now I can make the tostones at home, but I've got to figure out this garlic business.
Tomorrow I think I'll go to the pulguero (flea market)-I haven't been in months, maybe even over a year. Usually it's obnoxiously hot when I go, but hopefully since we've had all this rain, it will be tolerable.
Speaking of rain-I am loving the cool temperatures, but am dreading turning on the shower since my hot water is solar heated. Usually the hot temps here make a cold shower even desirable, but since I've been back(it's rained every day), I haven't even turned on the air conditioner (it's not working right now, but that's beside the point), and the past few nights I've even slept without fan because I was getting cold. Now how's that for strange-July in PR and no fan needed at night?? The other oddity has been that my washed dishes sit for a day or more in the drainer drying and they're still slightly damp. I am looking forward to the sun coming out so that I can walk around outside without being afraid I'm going to fall and kill myself. I can fall just fine on my own, even without the extra help of grimy stairs, and slippery tile where I park my car. However, like I said, the cool temperatures have been nice, and I'm sure I'll be even happier about it when I see my electric bill!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Well, I'm back in Puerto Rico after summer break, and I now have a laptop and internet access! I hope that means I'll post more. Some summer highlights were a trip to the GA capitol, a Braves game, many shopping trips with Anna, a trip to Greenville to see Ruth and her family, spending time with Amy on that trip, spending the life savings that I don't have at the BJ bookstore, majesty music and soundforth, a trip to Sixflags with Ian, VBS at church, seeing and spending time with old friends, many trips to Chick Fil A, and now that I'm back, Carla's wedding and seeing Wendy and her family.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Yesterday in first grade, I was tempted to laugh, but managed to restrain myself. We were talking about the Baroque era, how it was a long time ago, and how things were very different. As we talked about Bach, I was explaining that Bach loved God, when Nathan raised his hand to ask, "So they knew about God way back then??"

Monday, April 12, 2010

Well, I got everything moved and I'm loving it! The new place is bigger, cheaper, and closer-although that didn't satisfy one of my helpers. He's 6 yrs old, and as we're carrying boxes out of the old house, he asked, "WHY are you moving?" I answered, and asked if that was ok with him, and he answered, "NO!" Anyway, moving day was almost fun-I had 6 people helping me, all very good friends (and 3 under the age of 13), so we did have some good times, and got it all done in about 3 and a half hours. Ok, at least moved, that doesn't count any unpacking. The most fun was going out to eat afterwards, and shopping. Maybe I'll be able to post pictures soon-my next door neighbor offered use of his wireless internet......
And on a side note, I love how I have been able to make friends from many different countries and cultures-on Friday, I was riding to a bridal shower with friends, and we noticed that not only were the 4 of us from different countries, we were from 4 different continents! One from England, one from Zimbabwe, one from Bolivia, and me from the US. It's so neat to see the bond we can have as sisters in Christ coming from such different places!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Well, there is officially no reason for me to rush to get a tv as soon as I move in order to see the NCAA championship. If I get one, great, I'll watch it (basketball is one of 2 sports I will watch no matter who's playing), if not, life goes on. Yep, Jayhawks lost! Hard to believe, but sadly, it's true. And I didn't even get to see a single game. Probably good though, because I would have been frustrated.
As for other things, I've been busy preparing for Easter music, spring piano recital, and various "performances" of my piano students. One student will hopefully be doing a duet with me for Easter, another will hopefully do a duet with me for the recital and sometime later for church (this same student will play in his sister's wedding this summer) and another will hopefully play in the recital and later in church a hymn that I arranged for his level.
My middle school girls made me laugh today in PE. The class has 29 girls, 7th and 8th graders, so as I'm sure you can imagine, never a boring moment. Last week, we started soccer, which we will be working on for this last quarter. Last week I did something that may seem crazy, but there was actually a method to my madness (for once in my life). We played a 14v14 game with barely any explanation or practice. It was a mess, but I intended it to be. If I start with drills and practices, they whine and complain about why they have to do this and "can't we just play a game?" etc, but when they see that they are lost, they are eager to practice and drill the skills they need. So why did they make me laugh? Last week, I had maybe 2 out of the 29 happy to play soccer-the rest were whining and complaining. This week? As soon as they saw me in the hallway, asked what we were doing, and heard me say soccer? I had maybe 2 out of the 29 that were complaining. The rest were overjoyed and cheering. I really do love middle school-they are soooooo interesting......
And tonight, ASL class again. Which may come in handy pretty soon, considering how my throat is starting to feel after the way I abused my voice today.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Moving and March Madness

I think second term may describe the first. I really do hate moving-that's why I'm trying so hard to get as much as possible done ahead of time. I never thought I'd be so excited about boxes. But you know what, I am! It was kinda frustrating this weekend going through stuff and organizing it and having not a single box to put the stuff in and get it out of the way! I asked at school, and I was told I can use as many as I want as long as I bring them back. So, I'm taking a few at a time and packing them as full as I can-mostly with books, books, and more books, and oh, by the way, did I mention that I have a few books?? I'll also try to get as much of my kitchen packed as possible and just be eating from paper plates, etc. for the next couple of weeks. I've found out that I have a bed, or at least most of a bed. Ok, so it's not in my possession, but it's available. There's still one part of it that I don't have that I'm not really sure what it is-I didn't really understand what it was, but we'll figure that out when the time comes.
One other nice detail that I'd forgotten to mention so far, is that this apartment comes with cable, which really isn't all that necessary in my life until it comes to March. Ok, so it's not technically necessary......unless you're a Kansas basketball fan. Which I am. Have been since before I was born, or so I'm told. Now I'm not moving until the 30th of March, but I will be moved in time for the Final Four and the Championship games. Let's just hope there's something good left to watch.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

It's relatively official-I'm moving during spring break. I talked with the landlady today, and everything's set for me to move March 30. I hate moving! But, again, the closeness of this apartment, the price, the size, and the area will be worth it, I know. The moving shouldn't be too bad though. I've had 3 people/families who have already told me to count on their help, and a couple of others who have mentioned helping. If moving must be done, it might as well be done with friends!

A couple of student quotes:

It's my mom's fault. It's that she has a lot of things in her hair.
-Julio, 5th grade (his comment when he came to get his late slip)

I'm really not that much of a behave-y person.
-Daniel, 3rd grade (he was explaining to me about his bad day)

And now, I'm off to sign language class.

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Field day and other events

Last Friday we had field day, and it was a little different this year, since we couldn't have it at the track (the track was under repairs for special olympics events). We used the outfield of a rather large baseball park, and set things up with ropes and cones. I was out on the field working with the races instead of in the scorer's tent like I have been for the last 4 years. It's a lot more tiring being in the field (we were in the sun from about 7:45 to 3:00) but I enjoyed being able to interact with the kids more. I teach just about all of them that were there, so they would come to me excited to show off their ribbons and tell me about their events.
In other news, I will most likely be moving during spring break. I have lived on the same street (I moved from one side of it to the other about 3 years ago) for almost 5 years. There's an apartment that became available that is about 2 minutes away from work with NO traffic, as opposed to 10-15-20 minutes where I live now, depending on which direction, what time, and how much traffic there is when you go. In PR, it's often quite difficult to go to and return from a place in exactly the same way, especially if it involves getting on the interstate. Also, I can think of about 3-4 variations of how I can get to school, each one having its own strengths and weaknesses depending on time of day, etc. So this new apartment is much larger, is much closer, and I like the yard! Seriously, I'm a country girl at heart and there's just something about sitting out side being able to see green, and not hearing cars-just the coquis (a puertorican frog that sings "coqui, coqui" at night) The banana and mango trees and the flowers don't hurt its appeal either. It's not completely for sure, but that's the general plan right now. I may be questioning my sanity in a couple of weeks (some of you probably already question my sanity), but I'm looking forward to being moved in-notice I did NOT say I was looking forward to moving!
A couple of student stories for you:
-I was teaching about even and uneven rhythm patterns in 1st grade music, and trying to get them to think, I clapped an uneven pattern, and asked them this: "If the first pattern I clapped was called 'even', what do you think this pattern might be called?", after which I clapped a skippy type pattern. Christian raised his hand and shouted, "Odd!!"
-while I was giving instructions in 7th and 8th grade girls PE, one of the girls shouted, "Teacher, your eyes!" Made me a little nervous, wondering what she saw, so I asked, "What's wrong with them??", and she replied (again shouting), "they're beautiful!"
Tonight is ASL class again-I seem to have a pattern (however shortlived it may be) of writing on Wednesdays. Maybe that's because I have a longer break in the morning and can get more of my school work done before the afternoon. A couple of weeks ago, we told Bible stories to the class. I had been joking with my teacher that my story was "Abraham not kill his son. The end" which amounts to about 5 signs. I chose the story of Daniel and the lions den though, I think mostly because I think the sign name for Daniel is cool. We would tell our stories, and then our teacher (who is deaf) would repeat the same story, giving facial expressions, helping with order of signs, missing details, etc. It's been a lot of fun, and I've learned so much.
And now, I just realized that I don't think I ever posted that I've got a "new" car. Classic (my old red car, so named by Hulda) did its time, and has been given away-it wouldn't pass inspection and someone drove by and asked what I was going to do with it. Since it was just going to the junk yard, I told them that if they would take it off my hands, they could have it-they did me a favor by taking it so I wouldn't get another ticket for having an unstickered car in the street. Yep, you read right-ANOTHER ticket. Anyway, the Lord opened up the opportunity to buy a 1994 Buick Skylark from one of the ladies in the church for a decent price. It has had issues of its own, but at least I'm not falling through the floor. =) Also, since the new one has a tape player, I've really enjoyed hearing service tapes from Bible Baptist as I drive around. It's been fun to hear familiar voices singing and preaching, and I always enjoy singing along with the music.

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

I got my car back today, not that any of you would know that it was in the mechanic since you probably think I've been off in the mountains of Tibet to find myself. I don't think I've ever been so happy to spend $500 in my life, but since I've been without a car for almost a month, I was plenty happy to part with the money. I'm looking forward to using the car-grocery shopping, etc.! In other news, last night I enjoyed hearing Dr. Bob Jones III speak in a conference in Levittown. Several of us from church went over there, and I thoroughly enjoyed the evening. The message was exactly what I needed to hear, and the music was very nice as well-it was especially nice since I was able to just listen. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE what I do here, but it is also a blessing to hear and enjoy good music that others have put together. Tonight we'll have ASL class again, and I'm looking forward to it. I'm learning a lot, and the people in the class make it........... interesting.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Yep, I'm still alive. Busier than ever this year, though. Of course, I say that every year. Anyway, I was helping in 3rd grade today, and read a paper that made me laugh. They were supposed to be describing the trip that a train took, and part of one girl's description was "threw a lake."

And another-again I asked Daniel what he was thinking about, since it certainly wasn't piano. His reply (without a moment of hesitation)? Marshmallows and tomato sauce.